We are a US-based data conversion service providing PDF conversion services to clients in the US, UK, and Canada.
We convert the following to PDF:
- Paperback book
- Word
- Text document
- Tiff
- Gif
- Jpeg
- Dwg
- much more as per the client’s requirement.
The converted PDF can be made as per the client’s requirement either in
- PDF normal
- PDF Image
- PDF image searchable text
- PDF multi-resolution image / enhanced PDF images conversion or
- PDF formatted text and graphics along with hyperlinks, etc.
The PDF data conversion process includes scanning the original hardcopy into TIFF group IV image files, then condensed to PDF image the only format.
The original file can be any format such as hard copies, TIFF images, or word documents.
Advantage of PDF files:
- The PDF format files can be used for various aspects of any requirements.
- PDF format files can be used as effective standards for electronic document communication due to their feasibility and features.
- Paper documents can be converted into a compact, searchable PDF files ready for publishing on your website, flyer, intranet, e-mail or can be easily stored on your desktop PC, and has a quality retrieval, smaller file size, and superior text quality.
Benefits of our PDF conversion services
- We can beat any US company by more than a 10% margin in cost.
- We accept any kind of complex format files.
- We can meet your given turnaround time.
- We convert paperback and hardcover to any PDF file for requirements.
- No, setup cost involved.
- We use an encrypted FTP server for uploading and downloading confidential documents.
Visa, Mastercard, and AMEX credit cards are accepted through our secured shopping cart website. It allows you to easily place the order after receiving a quote from us.
We can help you with all of your PDF conversion services. Call us on (515) 865-4591 or email us at sales@itglobalsolution.com for a quote.