The 2016 presidential election is one of the most important elections that will define the future of the United States of America. Many important issues like social security, the USA tax code, Immigration, Education, Student Loans, USA debt, and many more. We need a President who can tackle these issues and bring lawmakers together (am I hoping for too much!) for the greater good. We have created this free eBook resource section on leading two candidates from the Republican party and the Democratic party. This will allow voters to access these documents in a user-friendly file format. You can download free ePUB files that we have created using PDF available in the public domain for the general public.
We have created ePUB files for use on iPad, iPhone, Banes & Noble, Kobo Reader, Google Play, Android devices that support ePUB and other software that support ePUB files. We also have converted files into Kindle format which will work exclusively on Kindle readers and apps.
Please note that this is a free eBook conversion service to help voters understand each candidate’s position, plan and then reach a decision on whom to vote. DO VOTE. If we have missed any documents for these candidates then please send us a link to their documents (from their official website) so we can ensure the authenticity of the document.
And many more user-friendly features.
Democrats Candidates: Republican Candidates: